Saturday, February 18, 2017

February 2017 Newsletter

The excavation and land prep continues…

The Omaha YFC offices.
As Amy and I left off from the January letter, God provided opportunities for us to be able to see the ‘how and what’ of where we are headed in leading a YFC Affiliate which will serve Leavenworth County reaching military teens and their friends. In late-January, Amy and I had the pleasure of visiting our fellow friends in Omaha, Nebraska, who are leading a successful YFC Chapter which is seeing an incredible amount of God movement in the past 10+ years. A key point which was included in that development was the addition of a colleague, Brian Hershey, who is in the infancy of developing the military reach within the city of Omaha as part of their strategy. We had heard many things about this chapter, so we reached Brian to see if we could spend some time with the folks in the Omaha YFC and learn some stuff by shadowing them and seeing some ministry in the process.

Inside the Omaha YFC office.
Sadly, before visiting the Omaha location, Amy and I really were struggling on the specifics of what our local Affiliate would be doing throughout Leavenworth County. We did know we were in the infancy stages of preparation and evaluation, but that was about it. Even when we would visit with folks, we weren’t certain how to articulate exactly how God has been calling us to do things to reach these teens and their friends.
Now enter our visit to Omaha YFC. It was one of the most beneficial things we’ve experienced since being in the new position of directing the local Affiliate for the past 7+ months. We observed 3 ministry sites to include a location just east of Omaha on the Iowa side that literally gathered multiple church youth groups that already were coming together and wanted to relationally love on teens for the Kingdom’s sake, thus reaching more of their kids in the community for God’s purpose. This ministry site also worked with both middle and high school on the same night at the local high school with granted permissions which blew our minds of the local community buy-in of the mission and vision of reaching lost teens in their schools.
The Glenwood Campus Life location in the school.
Amy and I showing off the
swag with the Offutt AFB
military teens at Winter Jam.
The next part of our trip included sharing in a collaboration of military teen reach with Brian and his friends at Offutt Air Force Base, in the southeast part of Omaha called Bellevue. They were going to the concert in Iowa called Winter Jam and we were allowed to be part of the event and hang out and spend time with some Omaha military teens. It was really cool to get to meet the director of the youth ministry on Offutt and see his interaction with Brian as a partnership and permission to work alongside military teens. This opened our eyes to some key stakeholders locally in our community whom we could spend time building integrity and putting our hands to work to help them out just like Brian was offering to the on base youth ministry in Omaha.

Amy and I at the West O
Campus Life early.
Slowly moving the following day from our late night at the concert, we got to see one of the star-studded locations out in West Omaha which has been seeing an amazing fruit from obedience and perseverance over the past 6+ years by their staff person in that location. We were told that they have a ‘sixers’ Club which works with anywhere up to 120+ sixth grade students before school! The group we got to observe and see was the other campus life at the middle school which worked with 7th and 8th grade students and they had been averaging about 140+ teens before school. The incredible part was that they would meet with these teens at 6:45am at their middle school and hang out until 8:10am! Never say teens won’t show up early because this proved they will – of course for some donuts each week! Although the number of students was incredible, perhaps the biggest takeaway from our visit was how many adults were sold out to show up and pour into these students regularly. There was easily a dozen or more adults assisting the staff in games, sign-in, food, small groups and anything else needed. The community literally was ALL IN.
The incredible West Omaha Campus Life of so many 7th & 8th grade students before school.

Therefore, all this being said…so what? We now have vision. We now see exactly what God has called us to do and how to go about it for reaching military teens and their friends in Leavenworth County. A lot of our current handiwork was being confirmed and affirmed by what was spoken to us by the staff and leadership of the Omaha YFC folks. What will it look like to reach military teens and their friends? “School-based reach, right where they are – Campus Life.” Therefore, we ask you all to pray for us as we continue ahead in paving new paths throughout our area of Leavenworth County, loving on people and spending time with pastors, youth pastors, school folks, military teens and their friends to one day be invited and asked to bring Campus Life to the local middle schools in our area. It will be a long process, but with God, nothing is impossible!

We thank each of you for praying, partnering and believing in the calling to love military teens across Leavenworth County, Kansas!

~Phil & Amy

**To join our team in any way you feel led in prayer, financial partnership, spreading the word and anything in between you can reach us at or contribute online at**